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Anthony Pearce Trichology
Providing solutions to all hair loss and scalp problems for men and women and children, utilising tailor made, effective treatments at an affordable price
.أنتوني بيرس يتفهم الحساسيات الثقافية والدينية للنساء العربيات و المسلمات أو من الجنسيات الأخرى عندما يطلبن المساعدة المهنية. إنه يحترم اللباس والاعتبارات الغذائية، وأي علاجات مقدمة تتماشى مع ذلك. يمكنك استشارة أنتوني بيرس ترايكولوجي وأنت على ثقة بأنه سيتم احترامك والاستماع إليك ومعالجة مخاوفك
Why Choose Us
In the crowded world of ‘Hair Loss Specialists’, why should you choose Anthony Pearce Trichology?

Since 1999 we have successfully treated women, men and children for their hair loss and scalp concerns. What’s the secret to our client’s positive outcomes? Understanding that scalp hair loss is usually a reflection of internal disturbance or deficiency and should be assessed so any treatment can be tailored to individual needs.


We are perhaps unique in our ability to offer effective, sophisticated all-in-one nutrient formulated for each individual client.
We do not subscribe to the ‘one treatment suits all’ approach of other’s but offer a wide range of options determined by our client’s individual needs.

Anthony has lectured in the USA and Europe (Sweden); he has assisted many international clients through his online trichology consultation service.
Anthony has been officially recognised as “part of a small list of prestigious and influential experts in the Asia Pacific region” (7th Asia Beauty Technology Symposium – 2015)
Trichology is the scientific study of the hair and scalp, devolving as a specialised discipline from Dermatology in 1902. Trichology is a para-medical area of health care that embraces both naturopathic & western medicine, endocrinology and dermatology.
Client testimonials

Insulin-induced Pattern Hair Loss
Insulin Resistance is now a major metabolic condition – which left untreated – leads to a diabetic state. Insulin resistance is also a common cause for pattern hair thinning in women of menopausal age.

Premature ‘grey’ hair – what it is and why it happens
‘Premature greying’ is defined as onset before age 20 in Caucasians or before age 30 in people of dark skin colour. In younger people what

Problems of the Gut & its effects on the hair
I’m unsure how much other practitioners see the links between health, hair loss & a ‘problematic’ gastrointestinal tract

Potential risks of oral Minoxidil – what your doctor may not know
Oral Minoxidil is currently a commonly prescribed treatment for hair loss in women and men. It’s use for this purpose is ‘cosmetic’ and ‘off label’

FODMAP – diet or FAD ..?
FODMAP is an acronym for FERMENTABLE OLIGOSACCARIDES DIASACCARIDES MONOSACCARIDES and POLYOLS. Fructans (FOS), Galactans (GOS), Lactose, Fructose, and Polyol containing foods are all examples of

Isotretinoin acne treatments – what you need to know.
Isotretinoin is a form of retinoic acid (Vitamin A) sold under the proprietary name of Roaccutane or Accutane (1). Isotretinoin is prescribed by medical specialists