About Us
Anthony Pearce is a Specialist Integrative Medicine Trichologist and the only practicing Trichologist in Australia from a background of formal health care training and professional affiliations.
He is the ONLY Trichologist to be accredited as a (full) Member of the Australasian College of Nutritional + Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) and have his professional services listed on the College’s website. He is also a Life Member of the Vitamin D Council (USA).
Anthony Pearce was officially recognised as “part of a small list of prestigious and influential experts in the Asia Pacific region” (7th Asia Beauty Technology Symposium – 2015)
We at AP Trichology believe there is NOT just one form of female pattern thinning; androgenic in appearance* – but TWO forms:
- ‘Acquired’ pattern thinning due metabolic-hormonal compensatory mechanisms – the most common form of female pattern thinning in our experience. Our empirical studies suggest acquired pattern thinning occurs in increasing numbers of women due to a disordering of sex hormones + their carrier proteins from hyperinsulinaemia (commonly known as Insulin Resistance).
- Genetically inherited female androgenic alopecia, where the condition is seen after puberty in the majority of women within an extended family (ie: mothers, daughters, maternal grandmothers, sisters, female cousins).
We also investigate and treat all forms of alopecia; areata or cicatricial (aka ‘scarring’ alopecia). Disturbances in gut function and its flow-on effects for the body is a persistent, overwhelming trigger for alopecia areata in young children & many adults.
*BOTH forms will exhibit as follicle miniaturization
Professional Training, Qualifications + Affiliations
- Registered Nurse Training (General + Post-Grad. Psychiatry) – The St. George Hospital (1982-1985)+ Cumberland Hospital (1987-88) – Sydney NSW
- Certified Trichologist training - IAT 1998 (1998 Industry Award for Trichology)
- Certificate III Pathology Collection (Southern IML) – 2013
- Associate Professional Member – Coeliac Australia
- Member (NEMS qualified - 2018) Australasian College of Nutritional + Environmental Medicine (ACNEM)
Consultancy roles
- Wella (Australia) 2024-25
- Print + General Media trichology advisor/contributor
Anthony established his Trichology practice in 1999 & provides an informational website and online consultation service for people seeking accurate information, diagnosis and treatment –www.hairlossclinic.com.au.
Anthony has lectured in Europe (Sweden) + the USA to Doctors, Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists + Cosmetologists on the clinical application of LLLT for hair, scalp + skin problems.
He is the only Trichologist offering a pathology collection service to Clients who do not have access to Australian Medicare (international FIFO Clients, students or on working visas)
He is dedicated to having the hair loss industry regulated to a compulsory Trichology qualification standard and official governing body, so consumers may begin to have confidence in this hitherto ‘high-risk’ industry (for consumers).