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Premature ‘grey’ hair – what it is and why it happens

‘Premature greying’ is defined as onset before age 20 in Caucasians or before age 30 in people of dark skin colour. In younger people what they see as grey hair is actually a mixture of white & pigmented (colored) hair – or ‘vellus’ hair growth due to follicle miniaturisation seen in androgenic scalp hair activity. […]

Premature ‘grey’ hair – what it is and why it happens Read More »

Hyper-sensitive to your environment … you may have MCAS.

MCAS is an acronym for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Mast cells are a critical feature of our immunity, responsible for releasing histamine, prostaglandins, heparin, and inflammatory cytokines as a 1st line response to allergen, pathogen (certain bacteria and parasites), and other antigens entering our body. Histamine is an immune-signaling protein with many functions. Although commonly

Hyper-sensitive to your environment … you may have MCAS. Read More »

Chronological ageing vs. biological ageing – not the same thing.

Chronological age is how old you are: the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated. Biological age is ‘ageing’ at the cellular level. An individual may be 70 years in chronological age, but due to healthy eating, lifestyle, weight, regular exercise, and disease-free – mental and physical chronological age can be that of someone decades younger. Nicotine’s

Chronological ageing vs. biological ageing – not the same thing. Read More »

Adrenal function and its influence on scalp hair.

The incredible complexities of the human body, health, lifestyle, and increasing stressors in our troubled world, can give rise to the onset of scalp hair thinning. The ‘usual suspects’ are thyroid disturbance, diabetic states, nutrient deficiency, or ‘stress’. A cause which is often over-looked is the crucial role of adrenal gland influence to disrupt or

Adrenal function and its influence on scalp hair. Read More »

Chronic health or hair loss problems? Methylation may be your answer…

What is Methylation? The Methylation cycle is an essential bio-chemical process which occurs in all mammals to detoxify, synthesise DNA/RNA and repair our cells. Methylation is crucial to production and activation of our brain chemicals (termed: neurotransmitters), hormone regulation and certain metabolic functions. DNA methylation is a biological mechanism (termed: Epigenetics) to regulate gene receptor

Chronic health or hair loss problems? Methylation may be your answer… Read More »

Haemochromatosis – what it is and how it affects the hair.

Haemochromatosis is a hereditary disorder where the controlling hormone for iron absorption (hepcidin) is flawed. This causes excessive dietary iron absorption (which is not excreted) but continually deposited into the major organs: liver, spleen, heart and pancreas. The adult body ordinarily stores approximately one gram (1G) of iron as a constant reserve but this is

Haemochromatosis – what it is and how it affects the hair. Read More »

Male Hair Loss

Skin Mites as a cause of hair loss & scalp problems

There are numerous mites, bacteria and fungi that reside on or in our skin’s outer layers (epidermis). Some are helpful in maintaining skin pH or preventing other harmful microbes from establishing themselves. Others such as Ringworm (Tinea), head lice or scabies are not ‘host friendly’ and their presence will result in intense skin irritation or

Skin Mites as a cause of hair loss & scalp problems Read More »