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Intestinal worms – a problem in hair loss?

Two or three generations ago it was routine practice for mothers to ‘worm’ their families – particularly the children. In modern times, both ‘worming’ or discussion about intestinal worm infestation (1) is a rare topic. Intestinal worm infestation (aka: Helminthiasis) is a common occurrence in people of 3rd world countries – and in some instances […]

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Alopecia areata in children – a practical approach

Alopecia areata (AA) is a distinctive hair loss condition that is readily identified by most health practitioners and hairdressers. (A full explanation of Alopecia areata may be found within my article Alopecia Areata & other autoimmune conditions). The inclination to exhibit AA is genetically inherited within ‘atopic’ families i.e.: those families with an increased sensitivity

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Identifying chronic scalp itch and irritation

Of all the persistent maladies which beset the human body, one of the most challenging and confounding for practitioners is chronic scalp irritation or itching where no other obvious condition (1) is found.  The causes of chronic scalp irritation or itching (CSII) are widely multi-factorial, and in some instances polygenic from an atopic family history.

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Understanding Fibrosing Alopecia

Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a potentially permanent hair loss condition, believed to be of autoimmune origin (1). FFA belongs to a group of inflammatory ‘scarring’ alopecia (2) where underlying skin structures are destroyed, and microscopic scar tissue develops. FFA is overwhelmingly observed in post-menopausal women, but occasionally seen in pre-menopausal women and males. Although

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Chronological ageing vs. biological ageing – not the same thing.

Chronological age is how old you are: the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated. Biological age is ‘ageing’ at the cellular level. An individual may be 70 years in chronological age, but due to healthy eating, lifestyle, weight, regular exercise, and disease-free – mental and physical chronological age can be that of someone decades younger. Nicotine’s

Chronological ageing vs. biological ageing – not the same thing. Read More »

Adrenal function and its influence on scalp hair.

The incredible complexities of the human body, health, lifestyle, and increasing stressors in our troubled world, can give rise to the onset of scalp hair thinning. The ‘usual suspects’ are thyroid disturbance, diabetic states, nutrient deficiency, or ‘stress’. A cause which is often over-looked is the crucial role of adrenal gland influence to disrupt or

Adrenal function and its influence on scalp hair. Read More »

Hypervitaminosis D: the complications of excess Vitamin D supplementation.

The discovery, isolation and research into the fat-soluble vitamins (A + D) occurred in the first decades of the 20th century by scientists seeking to understand the causes of the centuries-old diseases: rickets, scurvy and beriberi. In the past hundred years, researchers increasingly appreciate the essential functions Vitamin D has on maintaining a healthy human

Hypervitaminosis D: the complications of excess Vitamin D supplementation. Read More »